Let’s scoff bacon and eggs rather than scoff at the research which finds they are good for our health

Great news for Alf and all red-blooded Kiwis who share his enthusiasm for a bloody good feed of fried tucker at breakfast time.

New research – according to his SoH – says a traditional fry-up is the healthiest way to start your day.

Researchers at the University of Alabama claim a fried breakfast loaded with protein kick-starts the metabolism, making it easier to burn off other meals.

They found mice fed a high-fat meal soon after waking remained healthy.

Those given a carb-rich breakfast, such as cereal, followed by a fatty dinner put on weight, had trouble digesting food and a higher chance of diabetes.

Blood tests also found increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

Alf is disappointed to learn that Kiwi dietitians are scoffing at the findings.

He wonders about their real agenda and is suspicious, anyway, of advice tendered by people with namby-pamby names like Alda and Anna.

Alda Lee said a cooked breakfast would mean eating a high amount of fat, most likely dangerous saturated fat.

Anna Richards said having a fatty breakfast every morning would also see you miss out on vitamins and minerals.

She said a bowl of cereal wouldn’t be enough to last until lunch and recommended having protein, such as beans or an egg, or adding yoghurt and fruit to cereal.

The SoH found more people to scoff at the research – curiously – among diners enjoying a Good Friday fry-up at St Kevin’s Cafe on Auckland’s K Rd.

“If you have a big breakfast you feel a bit more lethargic,” said Tyler Smith, as he polished off two fried eggs, sausage, bacon, eggs and avocado. “But I won’t eat much later.”

His wife Ming, who was enjoying eggs Benedict with bacon and sausage, said she felt less like snacking after eating savoury food in the morning. And friend Kent Dapiere, who was also eating eggs Benedict, said a cooked breakfast could be a hassle.

“It takes time to prepare whereas cereal is instant.”

But Alf will be putting his money on the American research, even if it is based on a study of the consequences for rodents in Alabama. Mrs Grumble has been instructed accordingly to stock up with bacon, sausages, eggs, black pudding …etc. Bread for frying, too.

Greenie MP Sue Kedgley should give it a go. She needs plumping up.

One Response to Let’s scoff bacon and eggs rather than scoff at the research which finds they are good for our health

  1. Confirming what I figured out years ago.

    Bacon and eggs and you don’t get ‘snackish’ mid-morning and eat a smaller lunch.

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